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참가업체 상세

WEVO Chemical (Asia-Pacific) Pte. Ltd.

WEVO Chemical (Asia-Pacific) Pte. Ltd.

국가 Singapore
주소 (609916)25 International Business Park
전화번호 82-1052144676 팩스번호 65-6990 9593
홈페이지 www.wevochemical.sg/
부스번호 B700


We are an independent manufacturer in the field of customised casting and potting solutions as well as adhesives and sealants.

Wevo products based on polyurethane, epoxy and silicone protect sensitive electrical and electronic components against for example chemicals, vibrations, particles, temperatures, dust and humidity.

More than 75 years of experience in development and applications go into each and every one of our products. Our international customers rely on the outcome: optimum solutions for the efficient and reliable protection of their components.
